Thursday, September 24, 2020


By Bill Gallagher
580 Words

     What an adventure farming is.  I mean.  Be witness to miracles, if you are not blinded by tv and other bad information sources.  I suppose thats why the overseers have tried to make laws against farming.  Those ghouls and vampires are becoming so transparent its a wonder they don't just dry up and blow away.
      Ahhhhhh, the audacity of hope.  
     With all thats available in information today, it pays even more than it used to pay to be aware of whats good and what sucks.  Then of course there are all kinds of attacks going on here there and everywhere, preppy wars and worse, secret international armies and air forces employed to spy on and harass Americans (The Zionist Staatssicherheit Police State Racketeers which includes all active duty federal-state-county AND city cops, and Many retired military officers), black market monopolies and cartels, the global estate, a totally biased lying pop media ptl, blah blah blah blasé.  What we are is a bunch of tommyknockers, seriously.
     When Marijuana is grown for cloth, as canvas cannabis sativa hemp, seeds are also produced as crop, for oil and food purposes.  Good oil that can be burned pure in some diesel motors.  When hemp seeds are gathered as a crop they are easily removed from the flowers after drying by cane threshing.  Most of the sun that was absorbed by the plant after it was pollinated is now in the seeds.   The best energy.  The most efficient conversion.  Little match heads of slow green fire sent directly from our star.  Ancient Tribes Awaken.
     When propagating seeds for medicine hemp, which incidentally creates the most potent pot, ie the seed bracts, it is a good idea to double crop your sinse plants, pulling all males as they happen and letting them dry somewhere way out of the way, where the dust cannot travel.  The magic dust, oh yeah, insidious shit it is.  If you park it way out of the way, its ok, bag it in paper.  As an aside I read an account of hemp farming from 1913 where reference was made to the sticky gummy material (Seed bracts) that all harvested seeds came with, creating a need for a secondary refining process.
     After your sinse frosts up enough for you then cut it and dry it and start the cure.  Take everything but the small buds, thats why its a good idea to leave as many lower branches as you can, because after the first crop is taken, those sheltered little flowers are now wide open to sun and they will grow almost as big as the ones from the first crop, if you have the daylight that is.  Greenhouses are good.  
     This is when the males come out and you can pollinate the second set o' buds for a nice seed crop.  Either use a small paint brush for selective application, or just shake the male plants all over the greenhouse, but beware that last, you will have zillions upon zillions of seeds doing the shake.
     The stems which fed the whole plant are now disproportionately large compared to the leaves and flowers, becoming a nutrient mainline to the seeds.  We all know how Momma is.  
     Give the plants a couple days after taking the first crop, water well, even fertilize if needed but be especially careful not to overfert.  Once the pollen hits the cropped seedless females they go into regrowth right away, the seeds became very obvious within 5 days and grow fast and healthy.
     Good luc.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

The State Of My Genes

By Bill Gallagher
2550 Words

     Even though this blog is titled Vote Libertarian 2016 it is more and more becoming my marijuana blog.  A place where I log things publicly concerning hemp and my experiments with, among other things.  I intend to put the full digitized article about hemp from the usda yearbook 1913 up here as soon as I can.  
    The first article in this blog is about some seeds I brought back to NM from CO pot in 2015.  The new, new mexico is what I hoped for but it was a dud.  Well, not a dud,  a fizzle.  Did not grow anywhere near enough for myself for a year, and there were still illegal retired military forces in Hachita making trouble for anyone they could, to deflect attention from their own whoring and coke dealing on the border.   These lying thieving conniving secret agent hicks have infiltrated law enforcement and the military and become career politicians out here in the west because they know how to steal money that way. They use anything at their disposal including government assets and a full array of media to harass and attempt to kill their political opponents.  The Cocaine cartel is alive and well in American politics.  Now you got Bernie with a big plan to sell anybody pot who wants it.  Government pot, right.  The idiotic schnoox are trying to ignore the lifting of the hemp ban in the farm bill passed by Donald Trump and some others.  Vote for Trump he is as close to Libertarian as you are likely to get.  Yes, all the hysteria and strident drug peddling by the state governors scrambling for federal funds is all part of the cocaine cartels fake news, like 911 and the crown virus, and the Indonesian earthquake, and a lot lot more, so heres something for you idiot media puppets to chew on, and I hope you choke on it too:

     "...Hemp was probably the earliest plant cultivated for the production of a textile fiber.  The "Lu Shi", a Chinese work of the Sung dynasty about 500 AD contains a statement that the emperor Shen Nung, in the 28th century BC first taught the people of China to cultivate "ma" (hemp) for making hempen cloth.  The name ma (Figure 17) occurring in the earliest Chinese writing designated a plant of two forms, male and female, used primarily for fiber.  Later, the seeds of this plant were used for food.  The definite statement regarding the staminate and pistillate forms eliminates other fiber plants included in later times under the Chinese name ma.  The Chinese have cultivated the plant for the production of fiber, and for the seeds, which are used for food and oil.  But there seems to be no record that they have used the plant for the production of the narcotic drug bhang, charas, and ganga.  The production and use of these drugs were developed farther west.
     The use of hemp in medicine and for the production of the narcotic (SIC) drug Indian Hemp, or cannabis, is of interest in this paper only because of its bearing on the origin and development of different forms of the plant.  The origin of this (Medicinal-ed.) use is not definitely known, but the weight of evidence seems to indicate central Asia or Persia and a date many centuries later than its first cultivation for fiber.    The name bhanga occurs in the Sanskrit "Atharvaveda" (about 1400BC), but the first mention of it as a medicine seems to be in the work of Sasruta (before the 8th century AD) while in the tenth century AD its intoxicating nature seems to have been known, and the name indracan (Indias food) first appears in literature.  A further evidence that hemp, for the production of the fiber as well as the drug, has been distributed from central Asia or Persia is found in the common origin of the names used...
     Northern India has been regarded by some writers as the home of the hemp plant, but it seems to have been unknown there in any form before the 8th century, and is now thought to have first been introduced there as a fiber plant...
     Hemp was not known to the Hebrews nor the ancient Egyptians, but in medieval times it was introduced into North Africa where it has been cultivated only for the drug.  It is known in Morocco as kif and a small form of the plant 1 to 3 feet high has been described as a distinct variety, Cannabis sativa kif...
     According to Herodotus (About 450 BC) the Thracians and Scythians beyond the Caspian sea used hemp and it is probable that the Scythians introduced the plant into Europe during their westward migration about 1500 BC...the earliest definite record of hemp in Europe is the statement concerning Hisro II King of Syracuse (270 BC) who bought hemp in Gaul for the cordage of his vessels...
     Hemp was introduced into New England soon after the Puritan Settlements were established, and the fact that it grew "twice so high" as it did in old England was cited as evidence of the superior fertility of the soil in New England...

Lyster Dewey, Botanist in charge of fiber plant investigations, Bureau of Plant Industry
Pages 283-346
Yearbook Of The United State Department Of Agriculture
Government Printing Office

    Remember above all!  The Patriot Act = Stasi Police Act.
    Just as the people in China and Mexico and South America don't have enough sense to stop having babies, so north Americans seem to be too stupid to turn off their tvs.  North American television PROGRAMMING has become what they are, they are being all that they can be, because programming is for the master, and the master likes it that way, heh heh hehhhhh.
     I lucked into some trades with a dispensary grower who had some old pounds in the freezer.  The seeds were all viable and this was first crop from seeds which cost a lot of money.  There was a bunch of them, seeds I mean, thousands.  Thats another reason I got to trade for the quantity I did, some were even sweeps with floor debris, only one pound, and that became sun oil after it was thoroughly cleaned.
     The types of plants these growers had gotten into were mostly sativa varieties, not a lot of indica.  These sativas were autoflowering and feminized.  From all the seeds I cleaned out and grew, at least 98% have been females.
    During the first growth by the commercial growers there was obviously hermaphroditic activity taking place from their imported fem seeds, which caused fertilization of some female flowers, feminized one more time.  Also there was crossing of strains at that time but no order to it.
    These growers use fresh imported seeds every year, and I do not use any seeds produced from the plants I have grown.  I do eat those seeds though.  :)
    Overall, the seeding of the commercial crop was a small thing.  Most of that crop was sold to the dispensary or through the dispensary as medical sinsemilla.  I just ended up with the dregs some years later, so it looked like a lot of seeds, actually I was the lucky one, and everything worked fine.
     When allowed to mature these seeds produce good bud.  And thats one nice thing about NM, everywhere you grow here you are growing at altitude, so no long term potency is lost from growing low, like in Florida.  Also cold nights in late summer, getting colder as winter approaches, really makes the resin rise.  
     These were all grown around 4500 ft+, and UV does has an effect on the plants as far as resin production goes.  Not as much an effect as short days and cold nights, but an effect.  Also, days over 120 degree F, of which there were many this year and consecutive, put the plant into a set, and it has trouble taking up nutrients too.  A greenhouse here is most needed to keep out the nm wind, second as a top frame for shade cloth, especially during flowering.  It is a science overcoming the wind here, a new kind of pretty.
     Curing IS close to being everything I found, because most commercial seed is good when home grown, though all weed is full of chlorophyll and tastes like hay when its first dry enough to smoke.  Many people grow year to year, if that, so they are waiting for the first croppings even, and don't ever really give the bud a chance to cure.  I cure in tins and I like it.  The gov used to send Elvy her pot in tins, I smoked a lot of GS stuff back in the old days with Elvy, and learned a lot.  She could even light up in public, and did, out on the beach, we are talking early 90s Dania FL still the drug war, but she was one of a few last surviving members of a class action suit where the gov sent them pre-rolled weed because of the settlement.  Weed was grown in KY.  Been growing in KY a long time, the government has.
     The best seedless flowers I have grown were from commercial mexican or south american seeds from pot I bought in fl or nm.  Some of the Jamaican stuff is amazing when resprouted over here.  Now I am learning things, I wonder how many of those exotic colors like gold weed or red weed or purple weed or what have you resulted from vitamin deficiencies?  
     Me no like vitamin deficiencies.  I likes nice dark green, almost blue pot.  Yellows, reds, except in the flower interiors,  thems no-nos.
     Now consider this: the compressed weed north Americans got for so long from Mexico was actually CONCENTRATED, if you think about it.  I remember breaking off chunks as hard as hash all the time, burned like hash too.   Same mindset as the concentrated pot today, the resins and oils and dusts and stuff that are ultra high potency.  It was good for the era, trash compactors, who'd a thunk?  I was told a good bit of oil was gotten by trash compacting the mexxie pot, but that went to another market altogether.  I never saw any.
     To me, Mexican weed died when the lunks starting smashing the seeds, they were too iggy or didn't have the energy to grow it seedless, so they tried to destroy peoples ability to grow it by smashing the seeds, thereby releasing oils into the buds which turn to carcinogens when burned. CIA.  Waco Texas.  Murrah Building.  Drug war. Clinton. Lassiter. Bush. Jesus the lord.  Law enforcement.  Black Market Monopolies. Stasi. Individual Targeting of People of Interest.  Northwoods. A Faith Based Nation. Ultra-Secret Active Auroral and Tesla Technologies. Ultrasurveillance stealing from inventors. Fusion Centers. Crisis Actors.  Mossad. Duncan Wolfe.  The Mormon Mafia. The House of Dan. It goes on and on.
     ABOUT AUTO FLOWERING: The story I got, somewhere, concerning auto-flowering is this:  Cannabis ruderalis is a variety with no psychoactive properties whatsoever.  Its main character trait which made it "Valuable" to growers is the fact that it flowers like clockwork on 90 days or before.  Its an early flowering variety, but you can smoke or eat it 'til the cows come home and the usual euphoric enhancement you expect is not there, kaput, nada, BONK.  So the experimenters crossed high potency sativas and indica strains with ruderalis and they end up with bud thats ok in potency, and one that will many times be well into flowering in 90 days.  I call it mormon pot, with the side agenda to reduce potency over time.  Yeah I am paranoid as hell.  Its lack of paranoia that makes you iggy, ignorant as fuck all, and I try not to be.
     For the future I will attempt to obtain only heirloom and natural varieties with very long flowering periods, made to grow outdoors all summer, because what happened for the last two years here in NM is I tried an early planting of the autoflowering, but when the equinox occurred it messed them all up.  There were wicked chemtrails too, so I am not ruling out agri-terrorism by the masters, you know, the bush secret gov cocaine cartel and its army, who do not want people growing their own, and are using their media to try to deny the farm bill even happened.  Schmux.
      I saw that the seeds I planted which are more in tune with the particular photo period and quality of light here in NM are almost bigger and way more dense than plants from the same seed planted 3 months earlier.   So there were definitely crossed wires genetically and photoperiodically on the autoflowering plants grown outdoors and planted early April.
     The goofing around with the strains both auto flower and feminized, makes plants very susceptible to stress, makes them pop male flowers, or go all male at the drop of a chemtrail.  
     The sativas I have (a half dozen or more different strains) are very resistant to fungus/molds, though some insects eat the leaves on occasion.  Theres plenty of leaves, and no real damage gets done, but I think it could get out of hand during some years when other factors change.  Watching.  Plus I grow other herbs and veggies and am concerned about predation of them too.
     I had trouble one wet year with small spiders or mites building their webs in the buds.  Nicotine took care of them.  I use peroxide for fungus or molds but have not had to since doing the soil beforehand.  1 bottle of 3% peroxide will treat ten gallons of water, and it aerates the soil too, as it degrades to plain H2O.  Do it a week before planting.  It can even be done during growing, go lighter on the peroxide.  Some people use a peroxide spray on the plant itself, and for truth their is natural peroxide created during rainfall sometimes, though I have not had occasion to experiment with this.  I have heard reports of peroxide used on seeds where germination was a problem with some good results.
     My favorite desert growing tool is my sprinkler system, and it is therapeutic too.  It is a pump sprayer and was a real good deal for the money.  Instead of chemicals or insecticides I use plain water except during rare foliage fertilizer feedings.
     The soil at my particular location is composed of very ancient dunes, a feature, that was used by wildlife as dens for a long time.  It overlies adobe mud of good quality, which means if you are making adobe bricks.  I was lucky with these dunes, they are sandy loam of the desert, with what passes for compost here, so by adding more sand, some gravel, and things like polymers (Used chicken pads), ground up styrofoam, and garbage compost I get a pretty good soil.  I test PH after mixing soil well with paper test strips, cheap off ebay (Mix some soil with enough water to liquify), and I use lime in water if the soil is too acid, and I guess I would try orange peels soaked in water if the soil was to alkaline, or some other things, but with all the compost my soil is usually slightly acid after I am done combining all the ingredients.  I also add scrap galvanized nails to the mix for zinc and iron and before flowering I add epsom salts on top of the soil so it gets watered in, because there seems to be a magnesium dieficiency in the soil here.
