Saturday, November 27, 2021
The sliding grind comes right before
The air and then the sky
Whip around twirl around
Get all the points aligned
Then gravity grabs, you go down
More fleet than you can see
wheels bite the wall
Weight returns
Adrenaline party
Tweak yourself
Make your body better
Get on that board and ride
Tweak yourself
Make your body stronger
And that includes your mind
Scars like armor
Blood magic
You leave dark stripes along the way
Pain is quick
And soon forgotten
Blood gets washed away by rain
Pavement teaches many things
The ins and outs of Balance
Poise and strength and grace are born
Energy chemical romance
Dimensions stretch
Then break apart
The skater creates moments
Inside our brains
A flash and birth
Our paintings on the jail fence
Piggies go oink
And cows go moo
They really sayin'
Boo hoo....
They watch and wonder
What its like
Commanding gravity and light
Make your body better...
Friday, November 19, 2021
Russia Won The Cold War
"We will take America without a shot, from within." Nikita Kruschev
There is a collective blind spot among the cultures of the new world. In places like Australia, and the Americas, people are raised in areas posessing only an archaeologically accessible stone age history. It is very hard for those kind of people to imagine integral history, which the people of the old world take for granted. Buildings that are centuries old. Battle sites and habitation sites dating back many thousands of years, and much more. People who have traveled to the old world have seen this, though maybe they haven't actually put it in these terms yet.
All kinds of naivete and ignorance are plainly observable because of this difference between the old world and new. This anti-knowledge is exploited in as many ways as possible by the few knowledgeable, those who make a study of things like that, meaning the royal religious, and their bankers and police.
The exploitation is both open and secret, but mostly secret.
Some new world families have preserved their old world history, and even have family ties there. These types definitely know more about the world in general than people brought up on the streets of America, educated by TV and its corporations. Those families with old world memories have been sometimes referred to as Ivy Leaguers, but that is no longer fully correct. If you research memberships of the fraternities of the most expensive colleges you will see the majority of the families who acknowledge their old world history, and perhaps even some ancient secrets, both arcane and pertinent, that go along with all that.
One of the greatest and best hidden secrets of all time, even among the old world types, is the preoccupation the elite have always had with electricity, ongoing forever. There it is! In your face all over the place! Lightning! What is it, and where can I get me some? Can I somehow control other people with it? Or at least kill something?
The old world people could also see things like the pyramids just laying around abandoned, and they knew that something much greater than themselves had once lived and built at that place, and they also instinctively knew that there was a lot more to the pyramids than they could understand. As well, there were tantalizing hints around the pyramids and other places which caused certain groups to form who preserved and sought out this ancient knowledge. The biggest of those and the one we are most familiar with is the Vatican.
The Crusades were all about electricity and began when the Arabs of the 600s and 700s first successfully tunneled into the pyramids at Giza and found certain items that have not been preserved except as representations on some of the so called Arab Byzantine coins. The full report with pictures at this link, or see below in bibliography.
After The 4th Crusade the representations of electricity on coins, and things like it, moved to the northeast toward what is today Russia, but then the Dark Ages kicked in, and there was very little coinage, and what coinage there was did not stand the tests of time as well as their bigger thicker counterparts of earlier times. This happened basically because all the money got dropped in the dirt over time, which is another story entirely.
+Oi. All these inconvenient truths.
The next electric thing that was heard out of Russian territories by the world was many centuries later and it was called Nikola Tesla. Another great secret of the world is that in his final exhibitions Nikola Tesla made the Tunguska Event go down, as a test of his Magnifying Transmitter. Tesla was promptly defunded and died destitute under all too familiar circumstances. Meanwhile the Russian types in Belgrade had a Tesla Museum going by 1933, well before his death.
It was in 1955 that Russia felt confident enough to brag, and Kruschev made his somewhat cryptic statement which sounded ominous but was not taken seriously. That was too bad because it was totally true.
Russia had already been melting the ice caps for ten years and had begun to put into place the weapon which was to become the huge antenna and energy source at Chernobyl, used to eventually dessicate the American midwest farmlands in a big way. See Project Coldfeet where America sent in special forces to an abandoned Russian research site, there are many secret and even a few unclassified indicators when studying Coldfeet that let the astute researcher know what the Russians were really up to. Kin yew sy THERMOACOUSTICS? I knew yew cood.
When Germany was split after WW2 there was only one entity that influenced both sides and that was the Vatican. The Vatican financed Hitler so it was the recipient of most of the technology The Reich developed during those crazy hazy days of the mad mans reign. The Vatican even received most stuff developed here by the Project Paperclip scientists at Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville Alabama.
Almost every priest in America has always sent regular reports on their flocks to the Vatican, and has enlisted local help in actively spying on anything it wants to know about. You talk about a many-tentacled entity, shit.
Very few Americans were intellectually able to see the effects of the Russians antenna experiments on us during the 1960s, 70s and 80s, and the one or two who could see what was going on were chalked up as extreme cases of paranoia.
Lt. Col Tom Bearden was one who reported on these happenings because he could see the events as they happened, in the cloud forms, and he photographed them. With real film. Had to have the film developed with chemicals.
Only today, because those same cloud forms are common by-products of fully entrenched Environmental Modification Technology, is it possible for the laymen to understand this type of observation, and some of the ground effects on living things.
Gorbachov was the one sent to tell Ronald Raygun and Jorge-Bush-Numero-Uno that Russia had won the Cold War, and they took it like good politicians, they said fine we will deal with it by lying. BUT it must LOOK like America won the cold war, thats all, then we will start paying you. And by the way, we have this little problem at the World Trade Centers with faulty fastening technology and we can cut you in.
Gorby let Ronbo and Jorge know all about the slow but sure plans the USSR and the Vatican had made since Adolphs time, and truly well before that even. He explained to them, as to children, about the melting ice caps and some of the probable outcome of that. The dessication of the midwest with magnifying transmitter tech, which, when looked at, was obvious, just not as it was happening. Gorby also expounded upon a silver and gold coinage Russia planned as a little coup de grace surprise at y2k when it was thought the worlds computers might all go down because of the date glitch. Willy Clintons personal little Gold Mine, but one more nail in the coffin of the cold warriors here, the ivy leaguers.
Russia Won The Cold War.
NOW they have used an antenna technology along with chemicals and many other high power electricity sources to take control of Americas minds so that everything just seems OK, while in the background the country has been looted and only your deaths will satisfy the world government which is The Vatican and Israel as a Janus profit machine feeding off human flesh. This link has a lot more about that, or see below.
During the Cold War Vladimir Putin was head of the Stasi Police in East Germany. He was also head of a Project Luch which means ray or beam in Rushki. It was what he learned there that catapulted him to power. The control of peoples minds covertly with directed energy is what he learned, and he was quite the little pioneer, electronic judo maybe. In America Psychotronics was named Non Lethal Weaponry, Or DEW, Directed Energy Weapons, and is headed out of Albuquerque NM now. It has been there quite some time, too. PS -- Jonestown had whopper antennaes in its compound, biggest I have pictures of from that time period.
Finally. The long awaited Vatican goal. Again. Bring 'em all around to the lord whether they like it or not, know it or not, or whatever else we deem necessary for them to know as slaves.
Project Luch was not restricted to use in East Germany, it just happened there because it could, and it blossomed because the people were taken over and never knew it. After the wall fell a lot of Stasi met their ends very badly in the streets though. There was that. When the wall fell it cost all of our social security and everything spent on SS since then is debt. And that was just the beginning.
Back in the USSR, even public radio was considered to be electronic mind control. Psychotronics, Psychological Electronics was a major science in the Vaticans USSR and thats where the CIA got it, and fairly early. I know for a fact Bush Uno used it on Raygun after the Hinckley thing, and it literally drove Raygun from the Whitehouse. Nancy called in the psychics and there was a pretty good public record made that SOMETHING was going on, something inexplicable and harmful. The only time Raygun got well after the shooting by the Bush CIA mind control subject, was when he left the Whitehouse. So we had directed energy weapons for awhile too, though the Ivy League frat doggies were just playing with them, as they play with everything else. They are a pox, them and their airplanes.
Once Psychotronics became high science it was moved into the active auroral arena, where power of large enough magnitudes could be reached to entrain human minds across square miles, whole cities. Antenna tech burgeoned during and after Clinton, the same guy who imprisoned people using secret evidence, and who also did Waco without warrants served... OKC was one of his playlets too, the latter used as a cover for an actual Army secret magnifying transmitter test, as was 911, and some other things. Today they cover the local strike Magnifying Transmitter experiments on people with heavy weather.
There was a lot of high powered coercive psychotronic weaponries used during Trumps time. Trumps uncle oversaw the disposition of Teslas personal goods that were seized by the Navy after his death.
first published March 17 2021
The Death And Destiny Of Planet Earth
The coins immediately below are all around 1000 years old. They are from the book Byzantine Coins by Philip Grierson. Notice the electronic symbologies, ground, current, voltage, resistance, and also pi. Look at some of the crosses called CROSS POTENT, they very much resemble antenna. The first three # 622 623 624 are called Arab Byzantine issues and were issued by conquering Arabs who had breached the great pyramid and found an antenna or antennae inside, antenna that socketed at the top of the pyramid. That entrance to the great pyramid is still in use today and exhibits foreknowledge. Please also notice the antennae with balls on top of the pyramid looking things, look familiar at all? Pyramids are super grounds, tectonic ultrasound created ala Tesla within the ionospheric shell can be used to excite and emit in a big orderly way. Able to influence the entire planetary field and more.
A lot of the later Byzantine issues then took on aspects of antenna and other indicative things in their make up, like blatant ground symbologys, ground on globe, atmospheric capacitance indicators and other things having to do with electricity, which was the SECRET holy grail. The Crusades were all about electricity.
Alexandria was full of this.
The last picture shows the emperor and Christ in distinctly TV appearing devices within the cross potent, on screens. This ties in with other lost history that has been rediscovered, but there can only be one reason for all the secrecy, and that is covert control, taking control of peoples minds slowly without them knowing it, its the way its done.
The cross potent on the pyramid/steps was used extensively during the time right before, during, and right after the crusades. It is my feeling that when the Arabs found the antenna in the great pyramid it caused the church to go crazy for electricity, the real holy grail. They knew what was possible because of technology hoards found from the last world. Phoenicians found a lot, even Caesar referred to the ancient lost world when writing about the ancient time honored and most favored Roman method of execution, crucifixion. I think they found pictures from the last world where politicians and police and pilots were crucified for trying to use electricity to control people. Look to Abydos for other pictures preserved by being carved in stone, thats the time frame we are looking at, and there are other indicators too. A lot of these lost treasures went to Alexandria, and we all know what happened to that, dont we? Conveniently removed from public attention, and early. Everything from the last world was all in pieces and they were trying to put it back together, because they believed total and perfect electronic control of people was possible. Its what they have always hoped for, and they even admit it. Free labor forever.
The pyramids were super grounds, able to convert high power tectonically generated ultrasound to usable energies, then used WITH THE MOON to keep this planet in its traverse of 360 degrees, 360 days, a perfect circle around the sun, its how engineers do it, its says God was here....this planet was optimized for agriculture, a beautiful garden. There is plenty more evidence of this around, search out and the triangle project, and so much more. The pyramids were much more extended than just Egypt, it was probably a geodesic setup or something like that. The planet rotated once per degree/day, Optimized For Agriculture, A Perfect Circle. 5.25 days off that means a lot of time, and its continually deteriorating while humans squabble amongst themselves below. How embarrassing is that? Henry Help Us.
The moon served many purposes, and has not been maintained in a long long time. It could come apart easily. The very last picture is an early nasa pix I got once from a friendly source, shows craters in lines, caved in underground facilities on the moon. Search out the Clementine mission, there are whole cities that were underground, caved in circles as large as LA and much much more. One of the dome covers came loose and is still floating around up there, Hoagland has pix of it. The ignorant greedy fools running this world have a lot more than coughs and sneezes to worry about.
A lot of the active auroral stuff bush deployed is causing accelerated perturbation of the moons orbit, and it could come apart anytime now. I wonder if bush did that on purpose? Its the way they are.
Libertarian Values For Smart People
People first. A nations people are always its greatest resource in a sane society. The reason our government sucks is because it cannot hire good people, its all a media game and charade where the rich can get richer by controlling the elected dumb bells. People have to take care of themselves, because when this responsibility is delegated the people who take the power will ALWAYS use it it for personal profit, like england and enmod and the police state and all the rest of the unamerican stuff the churches and government who want to "Look after" the people have instituted in secret. jorge bush was the greatest traitor this country has ever known.
American freedom was the greatest rarity in the world and needs to be restored then preserved as it was inititally written, and then spread around the world to reduce the incidence of royalty, over-government, and police types who are strictly elite profiteers and thieves. Most of the worlds ills can be laid at the doorstep of people who hijacked America for personal profit, gates, bush, et al. Bad business and secrecy so the inbred can get richer.
All religions will be taxed at three times the normal rate.
American military is strictly for American protection and infrastructure, when a foreign power takes control of the American military they use it to clandestinely attack Americans, ie enmod, and diversion of our funds into debt to them. They would teach us their way but their way is backward, devolved, slavery. It is DEVO.
There have been occasions where a single happening had great influence across a vast area of endeavor. The invention of refrigeration for food was one such world changing thing. Because salt was the main preservative of food up until the invention of refrigeration it caused a lot of premature death in people, directly and indirectly. Pickled from the inside out, people usually and quickly succumbed to an average DAILY intake of salt that was anywhere between 40-80 grams. This is a lot.
Upon the invention of refrigeration so much changed in human health it is hard to really understand. This lack of understanding is compounded by other things too. It happened slowly, over a generation, the end of salt eating in deadly amounts, and people are notoriously stupid when asked to observe things over lengths of time exceeding a few minutes, for the most part.
Also the pill sellers were coming onto the scene around the same time, saying they would make a pill for every ailment, calling a lot of folk medicine quackery. They had a line and it was just a sales pitch, and they who have short attention spans once again succumbed like the lemmings they sometimes are.
It was the pill people and the subsequent medical monopoly they spawned who took credit for the new health of America and the world, but the pill pushers are only abominable vivisectionists and human experimentation ghouls. The real reason America got healthier in a generation was not so called "Modern Medicine" it was because people stopped eating all that salt. We lost a lot too, like electrotherapies, and I think its hilarious most of these pill sellers get their pills from plants, which they say are quackery in their true forms. Pasteurization also made America better. Antibiotics, and some surgical techniques too, though most mind altering pills are made so they can be sold for big profits on the street. A lot of the same people selling illegal drugs are also the "Legitimate" operators of pharmacy.
It was around the time the royal pill sellers and nazi experimenters were really getting their foot in the door that sugar began being pushed, and lots and lots of nicotine and alcohol, and if you know what you are looking at, if you have eyes, you can see the attack by royalty, which is ongoing and well developed. Its how they are, its why they are royalty, and that includes everyone fromn the lawyers on up today. A 12 ounce can of coke contains 40 grams of sugar. A 6 pack of 12 ounce cans of coke contains 1/2 pound of sugar. Mixing air with cigarette smoke as in down in the "Low Tar" brands create more carcinogenic material by far. This low tar aeration is accomplished by rows of very tiny holes around the filter of a cigarette, through the paper, which allows air in and reduces the smoke one gets from drawing on a cigarette. If you don't believe it get out your magnifying glass, and then tape a filter up so the holes are covered, then taste the difference.
The above information dovetails a little too well with the facts concerning stem cells and cancer harvesting. The fetal stem cell issue is a smoke screen by world media to inflame the ignorant, and it works well. All the hix get their panties in a wad thinking about that, but it is a farce, just like they are. It was over 15 years ago I discovered that the majority of stem cell treatments and drugs are derived from cancer tumors not fetal tissues. This I learned by studying patents. This is not only ignored but intentionlly buried and has gotten me in more trouble than almost anything else. Believe me thats saying a lot.
So. Back when the CIA was trying to kill Castro with cancers there was a doctor named Mary Sherman who contracted with them to weaponize cancers using radiation, to make cancers more aggressive and even infectious. She tried to back out of the weapons research contract, and was promptly killed in a "Freak" accident with her own radiation equipment. The one loose end was the guy doing the top secret work of administering these weaponized cancers to animals in the laboratory.
That was Lee Harvey Oswald.
Also consider the first polio vaccines, grown on monkey kidneys when alternatives were available. This introduced over 40 new simian cancers into our collective plasm, which looks pretty intentional to me, espcially when cancer harvesting for stem cells is considered into the equation. There are many intentional cancer causing things in America and the world, and when you have a cancer removed it is taken to a -- Tumor Bank -- and cryogenically preserved, then sold in slices to research institutions and pharmaceutical companies creating stem cell drugs and the like. Real special tumors are worth way more than their weight in platinum, try like a million times their weight in platinum. After this was exposed on the net the elite ghouls got busy and tried to hide this as much as possible but its easy to see if you have not been too badly conditioned by world government schooling/conditioning, world government media, and HARD electrochemnical conditioning since 911.
Secrecy is Schnookery. End the secrecy state, which is just another backdoor (Like religion) for world government to indebt America, and has actually resulted in a coup at 911 where our military was taken over by foreign powers.
Smart people are Libertarians usually and there are more of everyday. Libertarians believe in full disclosure not only of American science, but the worlds, in a new spirit of cooperation which must now ensue, or we all die. The choice is not a hard one.
Libertarians know the lie of the police state. This is an institution born of world government law and their public relations (Coercing) media, after the century long glorification of said police state. No one in their right minds wants all these people riding herd on them, so its easy to see if you look hard that its the people BEHIND world government who want the police state. They want you paying for it too, and they want to run it and profit from it. They have brokeb you with it, with your own petty fears. Shame on you.
The police state is the ultimate anti-gun measure, I assure you, it is just a part of other very long term plans. It is called disempowerment, and dependency. Even your money is controlled by foreign powers now.
Identifying the World Elite Deviant Class of social predators will show you many things. Start with royalty who believe laws are for other people. Lots of law enforcement are this way too and use their power to increase their personqal wealth or get other jollies only they can obtain or imagine. All of the schleps in world government politics are this way by training. Once this group is identifed it is easy to see that America and many others in the world are just prey to create these kinds of groups, secret groups for the most part.
Overpopulation resulting from things the vatican spews feed all that, and that is the reason they do it, they are highly vested in royalty and have the worlds best geneological records concerning royal blood lines, seconded by the mormons. I shudder to think what Thomas Jefferson would be doing about all this.
The elite deviant class preying on others in any way possible, through secrecy and lies, are just disease mongering drug sellers and real ghouls who subsist off the flesh of other peoiple. Wake up.
If a one percent (1%) Transaction Tax was collected on every monetary/commercial transaction there would be no need for any further taxation. There must be no exempts ever, buyer pays 1% tax, all transactions would be taxed big and small even when some fat cat moves his zillions to an offshore account, as detailed in The Panama Papers. This spreads the burden fairly and the people who have rigged the world so they do not apy taxres will finally have to pay their fair share. Trying to tax the royalty will be the nut to crack, of course. Expect violence. Lots. Because even the big money movers and name changers will not be able to escape this tax, which is why the majority of taxation burden is on the worker, and always has been.
There would be No More income tax, no more license fees, no more anything, simplified government would run at a profit, the system for this is already in place. Profit sharing checks would be a regular thing, especially with the upcoming space work which most people do not know about yet, but will. It is a lot more than space work. It is survival.
Thats the kind of situation you get when people take control of their own destinies and do not let the wolves guard the hen house. That is what can be when organized crime doesn't run things.
All law and its enforcement agencies are organized crime, descended from a looooong line of looters.
Some of the first known writing was on clay tablets, tax records, a powerful force taxing the rest, what more refined form of looting could there be? The power did provide some services to its tax payers, and the common good is a necessary thing to consider, but the hive is boring and banal and bestial, and great efforts need to be extended to avoid the hive while looking after the common good.
Julius Caesar was known to have sacked cities just for the plunder of it, even the cities of his allies. His greatest heist was substituting gilded brass for the gold in the treasury, making off with so much of the real stuff he had trouble hiding it. ISYN.
A lot of American law comes from British law which comes from Anglo Saxon law. When the Saxons invaded England and other places they were illiterate, not a lot got writed down, so when those thieving monkeys finally got the word, and religion, they wanted to make sure they never lost them again. They took great pains to write down what they had gotten through rape and pillage over a few centuries time. That has become modern law. What a filthy little fiasco it all is too. This is as close to real history in writing as you will ever see. Some will say it is my opinion, but believe me, I know.
The archaeological record speaks even more loudly than any words these people or even I wrote, though their words eventuallty became the basis of English then American law, and a lot of the worlds, because of the paper money which spread along with the law like an oil slick.
It is easy to see where the dollar has been in the world, just follow the trash piles, look for the over population, it is everywhere, and very ugly. Thats what happens when your money is hijacked by royalty, and you are spending debt based paper.
ENMOD (Environmental Modification) Partial List Of Effects:
Weather Manipulation:
Weather weapons, water denial, floods, extremes.
Weather warfare, floods, snow, assisted biological attacks.
Massive insider insurance fraud.
Massive insider/secret war expenditures and foreign contractors.
Mind Control:
Mass Druggings.
Chemical Conditioning.
Electronic entrainment with HP ELF (High Powered Exremely Low Frequency Ground Waves) and other energies.
Corruption of the Schumann Resonance.
Hot spots on ground corresponding to lines in sky, some patents call the lingering and spreading petrochemical particulate lines "Ground Heaters".
Sleep deprivation.
Behavior modifying configurations causing sleepiness, tenseness, anxiety, anger, hate, and more. Can be focused into very small areas, or used with phased array antennae across square miles. Jose Delgado of Yale proved you can entrain minds by broadcasting patterns similar to those recorded from brains in various states, even drug induced states.
Magnifying Transmitter Phased Array Antennae operations:
Earthquakes, Tsunamis.
Ionospheric manipulation, ionospheric depletions, potentially fatal or cancer causing radiation intensifications.
High amplitude ultrasound attacks on individuals, locations, or across many miles. Ultrasound attacks on an individual results in bodily damage, sleep deprivation, anxiety, blood pressure spikes and more. High Powered Ultrasound attacks on locations can result in deniable property damage or unnoticed but cumulative property damage, accelerated decay. Ultrasound across large areas = temperature drops, sometimes radical, and other effects. Acoustic weaponry is perhaps the most well developed of all the directed energy weapons of the Radiant Arsenal, and also the most coercing.
Local and large explosions as seen during demolitions at 911 and OKC, both cleaned up by CDI (Controlled Demolition Incorporated). FYI Tesla did Tunguska.
Known surveillance vectors of Aerosol Active Auroral Technologies:
Tiltable ionosperic mirrors for over the horizon eavesdropping of all types.
Teslas "Eye In The Sky" that can produce very detailed imagery of anywhere, even underground up to 1/4 mile through the use of technology which can either draw energy from the target or induce energy in the target, all done with high amplitude radiations and novel configurations like laser fields.
AI assisted audio surveillance that in the early 90s could pick out one voice in 5000 from a voice print. Then information about this tech just stopped. Like so much else.
A secret police state was initiated by super traitor bush and he successfully and secretly internationalized our law enforcement so that one big world police state was created starting here. The NSA center at Salt Lake City is a big player in all this.
Doctor Marys Monkey, Haslam, Trine Day Press
Fingerprints Of The Gods, The Mars Mystery, Graham Hancock
Spooks: The Haunting Of America, Jim Hougan
Blowback, Simpson
A Lot Of Bob Woodward
Salt, by Mark Kurlansky
Fer de Lance by Tom Bearden, other essays and excerpts by same.
Weather Warfare: The Militarys Plan To Draft Mother Nature, Jerry E. Smith, Adventures Unlimited Press. I am credited as a researcher in the opening of that book.
HAARP: The Ultimate Weapon Of The Conspiracy,
Jerry E. Smith, Adventures Unlimited Press.
Psychotronic Golgotha, by N.I. Anisimov, 1999
Devilvision, The Worlds New Wireless Grid, by me. because antenna farms are much more effective I must wonder if this was just a key part of some gargantuan phased array. Like we have across all our cities now. Phased array means putting all the antenna to the same task as one, an avalanche of power increase is possible.
A lot of on the ground research.
Monday, November 15, 2021
Libertarian Values For Smart People
People first. A nations people are always its greatest resource in a sane society. The reason our government sucks is because it cannot hire good people, its all a media game and charade where the rich can get richer by controlling the elected dumb bells. People have to take care of themselves, because when this responsibility is delegated the people who take the power will ALWAYS use it it for personal profit, like england and enmod and the police state and all the rest of the unamerican stuff the churches and government who want to "Look after" the people have instituted in secret. jorge bush was the greatest traitor this country has ever known.
American freedom was the greatest rarity in the world and needs to be restored then preserved as it was inititally written, and then spread around the world to reduce the incidence of royalty, over-government, and police types who are strictly elite profiteers and thieves. Most of the worlds ills can be laid at the doorstep of people who hijacked America for personal profit, gates, bush, et al. Bad business and secrecy so the inbred can get richer.
All religions will be taxed at three times the normal rate.
American military is strictly for American protection and infrastructure, when a foreign power takes control of the American military they use it to clandestinely attack Americans, ie enmod, and diversion of our funds into debt to them. They would teach us their way but their way is backward, devolved, slavery. It is DEVO.
There have been occasions where a single happening had great influence across a vast area of endeavor. The invention of refrigeration for food was one such world changing thing. Because salt was the main preservative of food up until the invention of refrigeration it caused a lot of premature death in people, directly and indirectly. Pickled from the inside out, people usually and quickly succumbed to an average DAILY intake of salt that was anywhere between 40-80 grams. This is a lot.
Upon the invention of refrigeration so much changed in human health it is hard to really understand. This lack of understanding is compounded by other things too. It happened slowly, over a generation, the end of salt eating in deadly amounts, and people are notoriously stupid when asked to observe things over lengths of time exceeding a few minutes, for the most part.
Also the pill sellers were coming onto the scene around the same time, saying they would make a pill for every ailment, calling a lot of folk medicine quackery. They had a line and it was just a sales pitch, and they who have short attention spans once again succumbed like the lemmings they sometimes are.
It was the pill people and the subsequent medical monopoly they spawned who took credit for the new health of America and the world, but the pill pushers are only abominable vivisectionists and human experimentation ghouls. The real reason America got healthier in a generation was not so called "Modern Medicine" it was because people stopped eating all that salt. We lost a lot too, like electrotherapies, and I think its hilarious most of these pill sellers get their pills from plants, which they say are quackery in their true forms. Pasteurization also made America better. Antibiotics, and some surgical techniques too, though most mind altering pills are made so they can be sold for big profits on the street. A lot of the same people selling illegal drugs are also the "Legitimate" operators of pharmacy.
It was around the time the royal pill sellers and nazi experimenters were really getting their foot in the door that sugar began being pushed, and lots and lots of nicotine and alcohol, and if you know what you are looking at, if you have eyes, you can see the attack by royalty, which is ongoing and well developed. Its how they are, its why they are royalty, and that includes everyone fromn the lawyers on up today. A 12 ounce can of coke contains 40 grams of sugar. A 6 pack of 12 ounce cans of coke contains 1/2 pound of sugar. Mixing air with cigarette smoke as in down in the "Low Tar" brands create more carcinogenic material by far. This low tar aeration is accomplished by rows of very tiny holes around the filter of a cigarette, through the paper, which allows air in and reduces the smoke one gets from drawing on a cigarette. If you don't believe it get out your magnifying glass, and then tape a filter up so the holes are covered, then taste the difference.
The above information dovetails a little too well with the facts concerning stem cells and cancer harvesting. The fetal stem cell issue is a smoke screen by world media to inflame the ignorant, and it works well. All the hix get their panties in a wad thinking about that, but it is a farce, just like they are. It was over 15 years ago I discovered that the majority of stem cell treatments and drugs are derived from cancer tumors not fetal tissues. This I learned by studying patents. This is not only ignored but intentionlly buried and has gotten me in more trouble than almost anything else. Believe me thats saying a lot.
So. Back when the CIA was trying to kill Castro with cancers there was a doctor named Mary Sherman who contracted with them to weaponize cancers using radiation, to make cancers more aggressive and even infectious. She tried to back out of the weapons research contract, and was promptly killed in a "Freak" accident with her own radiation equipment. The one loose end was the guy doing the top secret work of administering these weaponized cancers to animals in the laboratory.
That was Lee Harvey Oswald.
Also consider the first polio vaccines, grown on monkey kidneys when alternatives were available. This introduced over 40 new simian cancers into our collective plasm, which looks pretty intentional to me, espcially when cancer harvesting for stem cells is considered into the equation. There are many intentional cancer causing things in America and the world, and when you have a cancer removed it is taken to a -- Tumor Bank -- and cryogenically preserved, then sold in slices to research institutions and pharmaceutical companies creating stem cell drugs and the like. Real special tumors are worth way more than their weight in platinum, try like a million times their weight in platinum. After this was exposed on the net the elite ghouls got busy and tried to hide this as much as possible but its easy to see if you have not been too badly conditioned by world government schooling/conditioning, world government media, and HARD electrochemnical conditioning since 911.
Secrecy is Schnookery. End the secrecy state, which is just another backdoor (Like religion) for world government to indebt America, and has actually resulted in a coup at 911 where our military was taken over by foreign powers.
Smart people are Libertarians usually and there are more of everyday. Libertarians believe in full disclosure not only of American science, but the worlds, in a new spirit of cooperation which must now ensue, or we all die. The choice is not a hard one.
Libertarians know the lie of the police state. This is an institution born of world government law and their public relations (Coercing) media, after the century long glorification of said police state. No one in their right minds wants all these people riding herd on them, so its easy to see if you look hard that its the people BEHIND world government who want the police state. They want you paying for it too, and they want to run it and profit from it. They have brokeb you with it, with your own petty fears. Shame on you.
The police state is the ultimate anti-gun measure, I assure you, it is just a part of other very long term plans. It is called disempowerment, and dependency. Even your money is controlled by foreign powers now.
Identifying the World Elite Deviant Class of social predators will show you many things. Start with royalty who believe laws are for other people. Lots of law enforcement are this way too and use their power to increase their personqal wealth or get other jollies only they can obtain or imagine. All of the schleps in world government politics are this way by training. Once this group is identifed it is easy to see that America and many others in the world are just prey to create these kinds of groups, secret groups for the most part.
Overpopulation resulting from things the vatican spews feed all that, and that is the reason they do it, they are highly vested in royalty and have the worlds best geneological records concerning royal blood lines, seconded by the mormons. I shudder to think what Thomas Jefferson would be doing about all this.
The elite deviant class preying on others in any way possible, through secrecy and lies, are just disease mongering drug sellers and real ghouls who subsist off the flesh of other peoiple. Wake up.
If a one percent (1%) Transaction Tax was collected on every monetary/commercial transaction there would be no need for any further taxation. There must be no exempts ever, buyer pays 1% tax, all transactions would be taxed big and small even when some fat cat moves his zillions to an offshore account, as detailed in The Panama Papers. This spreads the burden fairly and the people who have rigged the world so they do not apy taxres will finally have to pay their fair share. Trying to tax the royalty will be the nut to crack, of course. Expect violence. Lots. Because even the big money movers and name changers will not be able to escape this tax, which is why the majority of taxation burden is on the worker, and always has been.
There would be No More income tax, no more license fees, no more anything, simplified government would run at a profit, the system for this is already in place. Profit sharing checks would be a regular thing, especially with the upcoming space work which most people do not know about yet, but will. It is a lot more than space work. It is survival.
Thats the kind of situation you get when people take control of their own destinies and do not let the wolves guard the hen house. That is what can be when organized crime doesn't run things.
All law and its enforcement agencies are organized crime, descended from a looooong line of looters.
Some of the first known writing was on clay tablets, tax records, a powerful force taxing the rest, what more refined form of looting could there be? The power did provide some services to its tax payers, and the common good is a necessary thing to consider, but the hive is boring and banal and bestial, and great efforts need to be extended to avoid the hive while looking after the common good.
Julius Caesar was known to have sacked cities just for the plunder of it, even the cities of his allies. His greatest heist was substituting gilded brass for the gold in the treasury, making off with so much of the real stuff he had trouble hiding it. ISYN.
A lot of American law comes from British law which comes from Anglo Saxon law. When the Saxons invaded England and other places they were illiterate, not a lot got writed down, so when those thieving monkeys finally got the word, and religion, they wanted to make sure they never lost them again. They took great pains to write down what they had gotten through rape and pillage over a few centuries time. That has become modern law. What a filthy little fiasco it all is too. This is as close to real history in writing as you will ever see. Some will say it is my opinion, but believe me, I know.
The archaeological record speaks even more loudly than any words these people or even I wrote, though their words eventuallty became the basis of English then American law, and a lot of the worlds, because of the paper money which spread along with the law like an oil slick.
It is easy to see where the dollar has been in the world, just follow the trash piles, look for the over population, it is everywhere, and very ugly. Thats what happens when your money is hijacked by royalty, and you are spending debt based paper.
ENMOD (Environmental Modification) Partial List Of Effects:
Weather Manipulation:
Weather weapons, water denial, floods, extremes.
Weather warfare, floods, snow, assisted biological attacks.
Massive insider insurance fraud.
Massive insider/secret war expenditures and foreign contractors.
Mind Control:
Mass Druggings.
Chemical Conditioning.
Electronic entrainment with HP ELF (High Powered Exremely Low Frequency Ground Waves) and other energies.
Corruption of the Schumann Resonance.
Hot spots on ground corresponding to lines in sky, some patents call the lingering and spreading petrochemical particulate lines "Ground Heaters".
Sleep deprivation.
Behavior modifying configurations causing sleepiness, tenseness, anxiety, anger, hate, and more. Can be focused into very small areas, or used with phased array antennae across square miles. Jose Delgado of Yale proved you can entrain minds by broadcasting patterns similar to those recorded from brains in various states, even drug induced states.
Magnifying Transmitter Phased Array Antennae operations:
Earthquakes, Tsunamis.
Ionospheric manipulation, ionospheric depletions, potentially fatal or cancer causing radiation intensifications.
High amplitude ultrasound attacks on individuals, locations, or across many miles. Ultrasound attacks on an individual results in bodily damage, sleep deprivation, anxiety, blood pressure spikes and more. High Powered Ultrasound attacks on locations can result in deniable property damage or unnoticed but cumulative property damage, accelerated decay. Ultrasound across large areas = temperature drops, sometimes radical, and other effects. Acoustic weaponry is perhaps the most well developed of all the directed energy weapons of the Radiant Arsenal, and also the most coercing.
Local and large explosions as seen during demolitions at 911 and OKC, both cleaned up by CDI (Controlled Demolition Incorporated). FYI Tesla did Tunguska.
Known surveillance vectors of Aerosol Active Auroral Technologies:
Tiltable ionosperic mirrors for over the horizon eavesdropping of all types.
Teslas "Eye In The Sky" that can produce very detailed imagery of anywhere, even underground up to 1/4 mile through the use of technology which can either draw energy from the target or induce energy in the target, all done with high amplitude radiations and novel configurations like laser fields.
AI assisted audio surveillance that in the early 90s could pick out one voice in 5000 from a voice print. Then information about this tech just stopped. Like so much else.
A secret police state was initiated by super traitor bush and he successfully and secretly internationalized our law enforcement so that one big world police state was created starting here. The NSA center at Salt Lake City is a big player in all this.