some tweets from this date.
mormons are americas kgb.
mormon coup coming soon.
mormons love the police state.
mormons control the nsa secrecy apparat.
directed energy weapons as coercion were first experimented with in nazi germany. teslas work was already popular in europe witnessed by the first tesla museum est. 1933 in belgrade.
do not doubt this: not one of the lawyers, or industrialists, or secret agent hix of the momo world govt established with american debt dollars, was fit to tie the shoelaces of nikola tesla.
american industrialists have always been foreign oriented fascist opportunists. all take and no give. they only give what they are made to give. they all have and agenda of destroying what they cant control.
replace all forms of taxation with a 1% transaction tax, no exempts, ever.
make no mistake, 911 was a coup of the janus being comprised of israel and the vatican, they now control all banking in america and the military. their lawyers have corrupted things so badly it is legal to experiment on you with anything they like. and they do. daily.
if the mormons couldnt suck americas blood in secret they would all be destitute. within utah there are now hundreds of "little" data centers, helping salt lake city record all your conversations and track your whereabouts entire. the industry of spying.
Utah Data Center - Wikipedia
William Gallagher
the lying scum of the mormon church and the rest of the religious military worms did what they always do, increase surveillance,and they can always be counted on to do that, among some other things...these knowings are advantages and ways to trap them.
William Gallagher
the worse case scenario for the religious garbage who took over our government after 911 is losing control of the ability to defraud with deniability.
replace all other taxation with a 1% transaction tax. make secrecy in government illegal. make predation by special interest groups and their lobbyists illegal. make any mention of religion and government together punishable by fines or imprisonment.
William Gallagher
the wealth available here is limited by the human garbage who want to use money to control other people through strife and denial, so they feel complete inside their little selves, so they have the upper hand for awhile. they are game players versus book readers.
some tweets prior to this date
Mar 25
the electro chemical assault has begun as predicted, this is because the weather does not work anymore, with or without this massive and secret plan which is really an attack.
Mar 25
capitalism is not working so hot because a bunch of rabid frat doggies have taken over here, but for where we are going soon, its the only thing that will work.
William Gallagher
Mar 25
WHAT? the land of the FREE? whoever told you that is your ENEMY...
Rage Against The Machine - Know Your Enemy (Audio)
"Know Your Enemy" by Rage Against the MachineListen to RATM:
William Gallagher
Mar 25
lawyers are esquires. esquire is a title of royalty. they belong to the BAR, which stands for british accreditation registry. they are licensed to arbitrate for you within the british/world court. there is no american court anymore. anyone saying there is lies.
William Gallagher
Mar 25
The Panama Papers: Exposing the Rogue Offshore Finance Industry - ICIJ
A giant leak of more than 11.5 million financial and legal records exposes a system that enables crime, corruption and wrongdoing, hidden by secretive offshore companies.
William Gallagher
Mar 25
Pandora Papers - ICIJ
The largest investigation in journalism history exposes a shadow financial system that benefits the world’s most rich and powerful. Read more.
William Gallagher
Mar 25
have to hand it to the jews, they peddle a story where they are gods chosen, then attack anybody who says different. and the world, especially america, just laps it up. ptl you all.
William Gallagher
Mar 25
the israeli lawyers in the adl and the the masons in the mormon church use their command of government to steal peoples identities and create whole new persona they say they control, but if they have to resort to that they already lost and are just too inbred to realize it yet.
William Gallagher
Mar 25
the military police state of the israelis & mormons in america is to create super debt they can cash in offshore, and to make a huge if not majority economy outside of the known where thy can prey and remain tax-free. jorge bush II was not the first super traitor his father was.
William Gallagher
Mar 25
right now the military here spending all that untaxable money for their israeli masters in intimidation tactix. squad of chppers close to ground, accompanied by 6-8 lines in the sky. secret govt with a secret military testing secret weapons daily on america for israel
William Gallagher
Mar 25
a 1% TRANSACTION TAX could and should replace ALL other forms of taxation, spreading the burden equally, all buyers pay 1% transaction tax, big and small, services, products, ALL trasnactions, no exempts, EVER. this taxes those who have structured the world so they do not pay.
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