The Statute Of Limitations And Fraud
By Bill Gallagher
2600 Words
Its been almost twenty years since world government jets began a secret program of Chemical Conditioning and High Power Ground Heating and many other Active Auroral Energy Experimentations on a broad scale. I see the physical and mental deformations, locally and not, the innate dis-ease of the people, the inability to concentrate or even care about too much anymore. I also see an increased susceptibility to syndicated media by the less observant, though most of all I see increased atmospheric sprayings when people gather outdoors, especially if that gathering is to make money. I've had 20 years to watch it unfold, and I have watched it closely, screaming the whole time, while everyone else walks around in an electronically induced trance. Its a serious bad dream, but its not a dream.
This is the clean-up operation, the last part of a very well planned and long term Attack On America deployed right after 911 by a secret government and secret military instituted by the super traitor jorge bush via the patriot act, in the guise of many things, things like crowd control and owning the weather. Every pilot in the world is inside on this. Besides some rain making capabilities, the tech is also Behavior Modifying Security for VIPs, and super surveillance for the cocaine cartel, i.e. most of the present day political structure in America. But really, what it is my friends, is coercion; its allllll about making Americans forget the fraud of 911, and it looks like its worked very well. Eventually, once water is controlled (as it almost is) then food will fall to them by default, and so will the guns. I guarantee it, it is how they are, read history if you still can. Americans gave control of their money to foreigners over 100 years ago, now, so goes the food and water.
Recently some people were waking up to what has been going on skyward for the last 20 years, so a great hysteria was created by the cocaine cartel called the Corona Virus. Corona means crown in Spanish. Once that little factoid was made public the media quickly changed the name to covid something, which to me was kind of like an admission of guilt. They don't care though -- they will use their confusion machine to obscure, and lie by omission, so everything fits their funny little world view, NO MATTER WHAT. They lie to themselves even more than they lie to others. Wow.
The master race (Gods Chosen people) and their slimy minions in world government (Like the meatball running Italy) will do anything to protect the holdings they have stolen over the centuries, and Americans are simply prey now, we are just the financing for internationalism born of royalty, which should be quelled immediately, though most Americans are incompetent, unable to see this. Many Americans actually worship a LORD. They can no longer even see their own best interests, or hear what their own voices are reciting. Rather elegant, as an attack, really. No expenses spared (You are paying for it) and activated for as long as it takes. praise the lord.
The royalty which the catholic church has tracked and documented for over 2000 years is in place and the world awaits their arrival. It will happen just as soon as America is dead. They control you through your churches, your money, your taxes, and your schools, but most of all they control you with their television programming. They make you think they can give you a chance to do great things, when in fact you already have that power, and if any of you get together about it, even 10%, it scares the daylights out of the slick brutes who lie to you with their mouths and steal from you with both hands.
In Israel the Jewish people split themselves up into two basic groups, the orthodox Jews, and the unorthodox Jews. Here in America the Jewish people split themselves up as Democrats and Republicans, though there is some switch hitting. Every group of people always splits itself up into two parts, its a weird quirk of human nature, probably sexual or something, just as there were two sides to the underworld in America when it became visible there for awhile. There was the Kennedy/Hoffa side, and the side that won, the bush crime family and all their secret Christian army spooks and their royal connections. And their coke money, lets not forget lots and lots of unaccounted for coke money. Somebody had to collect all that dough which was being churned out by cocaine during the height of the drug war, said drug war really a war of genocide against the blax, but thats another story. This propensity to form up into two teams makes Divide And Conquer almost a foregone conclusion, unless we are aware of it being a blind spot, which might be difficult because we ain't so swift, and we have a real SHIT LOAD of similar blind spots to identify and overcome. Divide And Conquer is still the royals number one tactic when taking control. Their paid media is the juice.
Who said everybody serves somebody? Was it Dylan? YES! So in order to get to the bottom of all this crime and financial thievery at the public treasury we must first discover who is serving who. In many ways, because of syndicated media, everybody serves the Jewish people now, that was always their agenda, they never forgot being slaves, never forgave anybody, not in all these centuries, and they are getting it back on the world for all the rough treatment they have suffered. BUT. As mentioned above there are two really disparate sides even among the Jews, so its a wonder anything gets done anywhere. And I remember the queen visiting the bush whitehouse during that so called administration, and jorge visiting the queen and even the pope.
You have to figure out who is serving who or what, and a lot more becomes clear. Like the religious nuts and their lord. They are not really serving America, it seems like they do not know how, they act like they are totally ignorant of what American really means. The lord lovers always have an excuse why things are wrong, and its always based on their lord. One idiot I heard talks about Christian values going away around 1962, but it was a faction of the Christians around that same time who were behind the Kennedy killings, and those were really black magic rituals called the Killing of the King, a mass demoralization tactic as old as time itself. The leader of the conquered is publicly executed to let the conquered know there is no hope left. After the Kennedys died crime increased over 100% in the next ten years, requiring a police state, which you must now realize was a created industry, and mind control created it. Shock and awe. The bigger the lie, the more people will believe it. This kind of thing is bush capitalism utilizing royal ideas. Creating pain then denying alleviation. Taking over all the water wells and then making thirsty people pay and pay and pay or die of thirst. True story, its how they are, always. In their world there are also debtors prisons, like for not paying a tax on a plant which was illegally taxed in a very prohibitive way.
The Kennedys were totally outclassed as far as depravity and treachery are concerned. Stooooopid.
Perhaps the only unity in the world is created by media, for whatever THATS worth. Media is still one group, at least the old media is; they are the wealthy who are trying to sell something, whether it be a product or a way of life or their idea of a saviour. According to those foolish story tellers, if we could not commit revenge and hate and spite and malice for money, why, we would be nothing at all, right down there with the paramecium and jelly molds, uh-huh. The one saving grace concerning media is the internet, and thankfully its a big one. It will sooner or later replace the syndicated crap. It already is among smart people. The end game is not upon us yet, but near. The internet has still not extricated us from the yoke of the cocaine cartel and its secret worldwide economy. That parasite still has its probiscus buried deeply in the American Economy, in American Veins, and it is still sucking away like it has been for over a century.
The last twenty years have allowed the perpetrators of the 911 fraud to strip and steal a whole lot more than they thought they could ever get away with. Thats what all the sky spraying is really about, to keep people from focusing on whats going on. 911 was a gigantic fraud, surely, perhaps the largest ever, but even more than that 911 was a HEIST. Israel has one of the largest air forces in the world and bought some of those planes, if not most of them, very inexpensively from America. They get big shipments of military stuff from us all the time, and a lot lot more. They see to it. There are deep deep discounts and closeout sales, prices slashed to NOTHING, Plus Going Out Of Business LIQUIDATIONS and Really Really Really Black Fridays....you know. Why, its enough to make any super shoppers blood heat up just thinking about it. There are a lot of new swimnming pools in tel aviv, bet on that, and salt lake city too.
The middle east has been rebuilt with American tax dollars, or, more correctly, Built Again, for the SECOND time, with American tax dollars, while slugs like the bush crime family and halliburton just get richer and richer creating then profiting on hysteria. Like all the short selling of stocks before 911 which indicated foreknowledge, and the video evidence in the 911 films showing demolition, and the fact that otherwise demolition of the wtc buildings would cost 5 times as much as it cost to build them; and like silversteins terrorism clause 30 days before, and like national geographic leaving just in time, and like zim israeli navigation leaving just in time, and many others leaving just in time, and nobody showing up for work on those days except people slated for killing, and what about the company who cleaned up both 911 AND the murrah building, CDI which stands for Controlled Demolition Incorporated?? WHAT THE FUCK? You can read my book Devilvision here https://www.devilvision.blogspot.com or https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/scalar_tech/devvision/devvision.htm. What I am saying is everybody needs to start paying a lot more attention to what actually concerns them, because jesus ain't coming in a ufo to save your dumb ass, not even by hologram, and most of the information you subscribe to is advertisement for the police state and the world government, both created to exploit your basic good nature.
God Damn It!
It appears probable that 911 was created to allow the chemtrail technologies to be deployed. This is a new paradigm of solar power, but its all secret because most of it is mind control. Likes ants under the magnifying glass, these are the days of our lives. Here is a site that is worthy: https://artificialtelepathy.blogspot.com. What the atmospheric spraying does is create and propagate high power electromagnetic energies which can then be magnified and reflected to small selected spots on the earths surface, also magnified sometimes through multi-layered hazes sprayed of various particulates which can then create all kinds of harmful energies including ionizing radiation. The patents do not lie, the unclassifed ones that are available I mean. Most of the active auroral weapons used by the mormon nsa masters and the secret air force and the israeli controllers are still secret because of the coercive effects they are known to possess.
Nikola Tesla worked for the military industrial complex until he made Tunguska occur, which he did as a weapons test for morgan. That scared the overseers so badly they shut Teslas money off and tried to forget about him. You see, Tesla created an antenna that could actually pull vast and unlimited amounts of energy from the earths molten core. We are lucky he did not split the planet in two, because he certainly could have. We had to kill the really rich cult leader from japan who did the sarin subway attacks because he was trying to do just that over in australia. Read Bright Skies by Harry Mason, Nexus Magazine, reposted with permission at devilvision.blogspot.com.
So hows that for scary, hmmmm? Wanna go watch a game show now??
The Tesla Magnifying Transmitter has been used as a weapon by world government in Indonesia and @Fukushima, its the one joke i ever heard from jorge bush, when in 2004 at earth day he said his administration planned on creating new wetlands in many places. Maybe Haiti, and if worldwide tectonics are studied daily some interesting things can be seen by looking. This antenna grid technology can be focused very finely. There is evidence of its use at 911 and the murrah bldg "explosion" in OKC, where, incidentally all the mena arkansas/barry seal stuff was destroyed, along with most of the gulf war I medical records (Patterns were starting to show biotech use), and also many important NA treaties.
This technology can be focused at any spot on the earth, or can be used across vast distances. Visualize tectonic ultrasound created by phased array antennae, erupting invisibly from the earth across square miles, to be bounced around inside the ionospheric shell. Think about the frequency your brain has evolved to, a by product of lightning within the ionospheric shell, then think about that frequency being doubled and tripled, or halved. All this has been going on like low grade torture 24-7 since boy jorge, since 911. heee heeee heeeeeee. The focus-ability of this antenna technology should thereby enlighten the reader how russia was able to attack us since the 50s with antennae from the other side of the world. They were using the chernobyl reactor at the end, desiccating our lands, shutting off rain, they blew the chernobyl nuke doing it, and the antenna in chernobyl is monstrous. The boys supposed to be watching all this here were derelict or complicit, who knows? Or perhaps they used skunk works technology and the off planet fleet to take out chernobyl themselves, but it was pretty late by then. I personally believe they are all together in many ways, just creating drama for the mass, presented by their media. The tentacles of the world government are far reaching. One way or another, secret accommodations were made with the russians by world government. A new world order came into being, oh yeahhhhhhh. russian leadership realized that as long as they got paid, the only thing that really mattered was if America THOUGHT it won the cold war, no matter the actuality. The russians are somewhat more mature than the tv bred hix of jolly corner usa.
Without A Shot.
Do you have any idea what it costs people like me to do all this bitching and harping and digging for truth? All to try and awaken a sleeping mass so complacent they don't care if they live or die, as long as they have television to watch and alcohol to drink?
It costs everything. So I burned jorge bushs stasi-police/patriot-act the day after it was enacted. Try to get an American life, THINK. Or die. Remember this though, you are leaving your grandchildren and great grandchildren one hell of a mess, and whether you care or not, you will be judged, and reviled. 911 was a heist, yes, but first it was a fraud, among MANY others, and there is no statute of limitations on fraud.
Anna Maria Riezinger,"You Know Something Is Wrong When...An American Affidavit Of Probable Cause
Devilvision: The Worlds New Wireless Grid, Bill Gallagher
shadows of forgotton ancestors carl sagan and wife (anne druyan)
Spooks: The Haunting Of America Jim Hougan
Barry n The Boys, The Cia, The Mob, and Americas Secret History, Daniel Hopsicker
sinister forces trilogy levenda
Krushchev 1955: we will take America from within, without a shot..."
Weather Warfare, the militarys plan to draft mother nature, jerry e smtih
haarp the ultimate weapon of the conspiracy jerry e smith
Bobby Kennedy Book about sirhansirhan california christian mob
CNN News (Chernobyl antenna)
fer de lance tom bearden
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
By Bill Gallagher
1000 Words
There. I said it OK? Black lives DO matter, because ALL Lives Matter, not just because they are black lives, thats racist shit taught to you by the conqueror, fuck all that. I agree the Blax have had a really tough row to hoe, but they have pretty much dealt with it. They have come farther faster than ANY other race except the Native Americans, from being conquered don't you know, so there was no choice in the matter, just as there was no choice in the matter when the Romans were having their way with the Celtic world, way back BC, but really not that far back, not far at all.
I remember a past life where I told a Roman Legionnaire that Celtic lives matter and the bastard has his troops crucify me. Ouch that hurt. So you see, things get better, people slowly do become more civilized, but I think its very bad that the blax let media inflame them almost every time into tearing their own shit up. Why don't you people tear up the fucking TV stations? What? Because they have big 14 foot fences with razor wire in coils at the top around all that shit now? Really. I wonder why.
The best thing is to not get violent at all, because the military police state owns all that, and from here it looks like they are once again maneuvering you into a dead end cul-de-sac where there is no escape, so they can stomp you the way they do so well. The crack phenomenon took over 40% of the breeding black males because the coke was brought into the projects in wheelbarrows, along with zillions o'guns, along with mucho media to dramatize a ganster life style. The projects all got blocked off with concrete barriers so people had to walk in and out, before long the projects were being boarded up. The police called it a self-cleaning oven.
The biggest prison is the one they have built inside your mind.
Be smarter, turn off that TV, try to avoid those people whenever possible at all costs. When enough people do this you will be surprised, no, you will be fucking AMAZED at the changes which take place almost overnight. The past entries of this blog are just stuff that seeped out, there is a lot more being held because like everyone else I need to eat and I would also like to make enough money to have some fun, in spite of the lord and the governor always telling me I should suffer here so I can get my reward in heaven. Haha. Bullshit. I want rewards here, and I want BETTER rewards in heaven, and I am sure thats the way it will be. Serious.
I myself am a nigger, at least I came to see myself that way in one vector because all my black friends in Fort Lauderdale and Miami always referred to me as 'Gallagher my nigger". Yes, I'm a rock 'n roll nigger, and a good one, ask anybody. I am even changing my skin color to black slowly, its a Blacker Black, with tattoos. Tattooed Lives Matter, too, because all lives matter. Very simple equation.
Here are some excerpts from Anna Maria Riezingers book "You Know Something Is Wrong When...An American Affidavit Of Probable Cause" that black people should study if they really want freedom from the illegal yoke we all live under:
"From the very beginning of the American story there were three kinds of "United States"--(1) the land jurisdiction of the Several States; (2) the sea jurisdiction operated by the United States of America; (3) the business organization doing business as the "United States" charged with supplying the nineteen governmental services the federal government is supposed to supply the States. It should not surprise us then that there have always been three kinds of "citizenship" potentially involved.
The land jurisdiction allows only one kind of citizenship: State Citizenship.
The sea jurisdiction known as "federal jurisdiction" allows dual citizenship: "A person may be a citizen of the United States (U.S.Citizen) and of a State, and as such have different rights". (Cited) From the federal viewpoint most people have always been considered dual citizens -- subject to the land while on the land, subject to the sea when on the sea.
In 1868 a third kind of Corporate Citizenship came into play with the publication of the new Corporate Constitution of the United States of America, Incorporated, -- the business entity charged with providing governmental services under contract with the States. The given reason for this new form of citizenship, Negro Citizenship, was the need to give recently freed Negroes a form of citizenship without trying to force the Several States to enact law giving them full rights as State Citizens. It was also a ploy by the new federal corporation to lay claim to the labor and property assets of the "freed" salves for use as collateral backing the federal corporations debts.
Black Americans were never really freed after the Civil War. They were given a new specially created citizenship "US Citizenship" and Civil rights granted by the congress, not the Natural and Unalienable Rights guaranteed to American State Citizens (By the original Constitution). The United States, Inc. laid claim to them and their estates as unclaimed chattel and hypothecated "Us Government" debt against their labor and possessions in the international jurisdiction of the sea. Heres what the corporate "Constitution" actually says: Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude EXCEPT AS PUNISHMENT FOR CRIME WHEREOF THE PARTY SHALL HAVE BEEN DULY CONVICTED, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
All they did was redefine criminals as slaves. They did nothing to abolish slavery itself. In fact they enshrined slavery as a permanent part of their national law and gave themselves the right to arbitrarily redefine both crimes and criminals such that a child picking dandelions could be arrested as a criminal and enslaved for life. Its time for the "United States Congress" to be brought home and overhauled, for members to be deputized as true fiduciary officers, and for Senators to be held accountable to the States on the Land again.
When African Americans demanded equal Civil Rights, didn't anyone wonder EQUAL TO WHAT?
Please note: United States (Commercial Company) does not equal The United States of America, Inc., does not equal the UNITED STATES (INC.), does not equal USA (INC), does not equal US CORP, does not equal THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC., does not equal E PLURIBUS UNAM THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INCORPORATED, and so on. All these similarly named corporate entities have been used to deceive and defraud the American States since their inception(s)...
I really hope my fellow Americans the Black People, my brothers and sisters who helped me when no one else would, will rise above the trap that has been set for them this time, and find a more reliable way out of the mire. Your librarians love you, fyi. The overseers begin construction of the prison in your mind at a very young age, and everyone is already slotted in a chute before they even start school, usually. The best you can do for yourselves is to consciously ignore all the media hype and lies, and to find strength in what you know best, whatever that may be. The more time the overseers/officers can steal from you the less proficient you will be in what ever it is you do best, and that is a major theft indeed.
Stop letting them do that, right now.
Anna Maria Riezinger,"You Know Something Is Wrong When...An American Affidavit Of Probable Cause
playboy: self cleaning oven
Elders. Schaal, Arkansas, U.S. Minnie Joycelyn Elders (born Minnie Lee
Jones; August 13, 1933) is an American pediatrician and public health
administrator who served as Surgeon General of the United States from 1993 to 1994.
Born: August 13, 1933, Schaal, Arkansas
Nationality: United States
devilvision the worlds new wireless grid gallagher
black lives matter,
bush crime family,
drug war,
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
The One Percent Transaction Tax
By Bill Gallagher
600 Words
During my twenties and thirties, way back in the 1980s and 90s, I lived in central Florida, and was very involved in the re-legalization of hemp. I was networking and doing what I could for people I thought had a clue. Somewhere in that time I met an older guy named Curtis Holmes, in Largo Florida. Curtis had a newsletter and therefore an organization which he called The Taxpayers Association. And Curtis had an idea. He said that a 1% tax on all Transactions would generate, by far, more revenue than the income tax and all the other taxations we all endure continually. He said the income tax and all the other fees and taxes were just control of a certain class of people here in the land of the supposedly free. The tools to accomplish this 1% taxation scheme are already in place. Problem is, this idea had some very high level resistance among a certain type of people, and those people can actually be identified by their resistance to this idea. They are the minority of people who handle the majority of commerce. They live in a tax free world and they created that world for themselves. Curtis got even older and died, and that was the last I ever heard of that. Some rich media monkeys like Forbes talked about a flat tax but they were talking 17% and up. A friend of mine from Australia told me they have a flat tax of 25% there, or did at that time.
Presumably those flat taxes are a single flat tax on income. But all the other little taxes will be in place still. The nut to crack is defining what is actually taxed, and how is the taxation burden spread among the mass?
Curtis said NO EXEMPTS and only one kind of tax, a TRANSACTION tax of 1% paid by the buyer. An employer buys the employees services, and pays 1% on all monetary transactions having to do with that employee. Thats IT. No more taxation other than that. No more income tax.
Here is where some deductive thinking is necessary. Its in the figuring of who actually pays the majority of the taxes right now. That would be small business, workers, and consumers, in that order. The larger the money the less taxes seem to be paid. Sure, a lot of accountants are paid, but thats really a bunch of convoluted BS, and there is a lot of stealing and suffering going on in society because of it. Glad handing and back slapping and standing in line at the bank, yup. Another import from europe and it is basically an agenda to create a royal class in America with the paper currency. Very unAmerican.
1% Transaction Tax, NO EXEMPTS. Not churches, not your granny. No more tax exempt wholesale, ALL transactions, at all levels, the buyer pays 1% tax and thats it. Food is not exempt, cars are not exempt, nothing is exempt, not corporations, or limited liability corporations, or money in the bahamas or panama or swiss land....nada. A buyer of a shipload of goods pays 1%, so does a buyer of a pack of gum. A buyer of electricity pays 1%, a buyer of communion wafers pays 1%.
When the government buys a jet or a ship, 1% of the price paid goes into the internal revenue coffers. There are cost over runs much worse than that on a regular basis, usually paid, so 1% is nothing to cry and whine about. A lot of the cost over runs in Government are built-in kickbacks by the way. A bank provides a service to its customers, people are buying the banks services so there is 1% on those transactions too, stock trades and everything, all transactions are taxed at 1% and paid by the buyer. AND NO OTHER TAXATION, PERIOD.
It might help to think of this as a sales tax, even though it is a commerce tax, which is much more encompassing. There is a mechanism by which sales tax is already collected, it is well established, except that 1% is ALL the tax that will be paid by any American, ever, and only when they buy something. There will no longer be an income tax and the attendant administrative behemoth, no fishing license fees, no state taxes, no gas taxes, no drivers license fees, no nothing, only 1% on any transaction that occurs for any reason, NO EXEMPTS.
This spreads the tax BURDEN across a much larger area, and could work for us instead of what we have which is a the greatest pork barrel that ever existed, working against most people 24/7. The 1% transaction tax is the kind of thing you would expect from civilized people who employ real administrators to see after their affairs and not slick thugs.
600 Words
During my twenties and thirties, way back in the 1980s and 90s, I lived in central Florida, and was very involved in the re-legalization of hemp. I was networking and doing what I could for people I thought had a clue. Somewhere in that time I met an older guy named Curtis Holmes, in Largo Florida. Curtis had a newsletter and therefore an organization which he called The Taxpayers Association. And Curtis had an idea. He said that a 1% tax on all Transactions would generate, by far, more revenue than the income tax and all the other taxations we all endure continually. He said the income tax and all the other fees and taxes were just control of a certain class of people here in the land of the supposedly free. The tools to accomplish this 1% taxation scheme are already in place. Problem is, this idea had some very high level resistance among a certain type of people, and those people can actually be identified by their resistance to this idea. They are the minority of people who handle the majority of commerce. They live in a tax free world and they created that world for themselves. Curtis got even older and died, and that was the last I ever heard of that. Some rich media monkeys like Forbes talked about a flat tax but they were talking 17% and up. A friend of mine from Australia told me they have a flat tax of 25% there, or did at that time.
Presumably those flat taxes are a single flat tax on income. But all the other little taxes will be in place still. The nut to crack is defining what is actually taxed, and how is the taxation burden spread among the mass?
Curtis said NO EXEMPTS and only one kind of tax, a TRANSACTION tax of 1% paid by the buyer. An employer buys the employees services, and pays 1% on all monetary transactions having to do with that employee. Thats IT. No more taxation other than that. No more income tax.
Here is where some deductive thinking is necessary. Its in the figuring of who actually pays the majority of the taxes right now. That would be small business, workers, and consumers, in that order. The larger the money the less taxes seem to be paid. Sure, a lot of accountants are paid, but thats really a bunch of convoluted BS, and there is a lot of stealing and suffering going on in society because of it. Glad handing and back slapping and standing in line at the bank, yup. Another import from europe and it is basically an agenda to create a royal class in America with the paper currency. Very unAmerican.
1% Transaction Tax, NO EXEMPTS. Not churches, not your granny. No more tax exempt wholesale, ALL transactions, at all levels, the buyer pays 1% tax and thats it. Food is not exempt, cars are not exempt, nothing is exempt, not corporations, or limited liability corporations, or money in the bahamas or panama or swiss land....nada. A buyer of a shipload of goods pays 1%, so does a buyer of a pack of gum. A buyer of electricity pays 1%, a buyer of communion wafers pays 1%.
When the government buys a jet or a ship, 1% of the price paid goes into the internal revenue coffers. There are cost over runs much worse than that on a regular basis, usually paid, so 1% is nothing to cry and whine about. A lot of the cost over runs in Government are built-in kickbacks by the way. A bank provides a service to its customers, people are buying the banks services so there is 1% on those transactions too, stock trades and everything, all transactions are taxed at 1% and paid by the buyer. AND NO OTHER TAXATION, PERIOD.
It might help to think of this as a sales tax, even though it is a commerce tax, which is much more encompassing. There is a mechanism by which sales tax is already collected, it is well established, except that 1% is ALL the tax that will be paid by any American, ever, and only when they buy something. There will no longer be an income tax and the attendant administrative behemoth, no fishing license fees, no state taxes, no gas taxes, no drivers license fees, no nothing, only 1% on any transaction that occurs for any reason, NO EXEMPTS.
This spreads the tax BURDEN across a much larger area, and could work for us instead of what we have which is a the greatest pork barrel that ever existed, working against most people 24/7. The 1% transaction tax is the kind of thing you would expect from civilized people who employ real administrators to see after their affairs and not slick thugs.
libertarian values,
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
Donny Chaotic
by Bill Gallagher
1465 Words
Modern Politics should be considered thus: DC and AC. To the unobservant that stands for During Crist and After Crist. Even I became somewhat freaked out when Jeb started wearing his hair en pompadour, then Charlie Crist was fast tracked by the Republican party into the Florida governors office. Crist had a lot of support from the gay sector, and heres what he really was: A donkey in elephants clothing. This changed many things in American politics, at a very fundamental level, and should be called The Strategy Of Poser Politics, whereby a person gets into power by whatever it takes, then has his or her way in spite of all thats been said before or what the party supposedly stands for. Eyes become blind to many things and it basically sows a low grade though persistent confusion within all politics, the voting mass, and the media.
Florida is still reeling, especially the old bible thumpers, the few that are left.
Donald Trump rides a surfboard named Chaos. The waves he rides are generated by a very real but covert civil war here in the good old USA, created outside America, over time, by Americas enemies. The main weapon in this 2nd civil war is money, or, rather, denial of it. Do a search on 'NRA Cuomo' to see the sparklers kiddies. I told the NRA about this tactic over 20 years ago, they called me belligerent and paranoid. I feel an F Bomb coming on.
Our money is no longer a right, the right to commerce, it is now a benefit, and the issuers, world banks, continually redefine these benefits. Needless to say, Americans are usually the losers. Sullivan said our foreign policy has devolved into taking money from the poor people in this rich nation and giving it to rich people in poor nations. Too true.
A precept of Modern Libertarian thought concerns dealing with these foreign agencies and their so-called most favored nations status. America is our most favored nation, and until that is in order again the rest can just wait, or better yet, learn to take care of themselves. Most of those banker scumbags will go find someone elses blood to suck, like the tobacco companies peddling ciggies in the third world because it finally became generally known here in the civilized world that tobacco is nothing so much as serial mass murder. Capitalism my ass its a bunch of blue blood bullshit and drug dealing, special interest lawmaking and religious hoo-hah, insider trading and nepotism, favoritism and privilege, the ridiculous rich do not know commerce or anything like it, its a bunch of glad handing and self-titillation based on secrecy and ego. The super traitor jorge bush made a lot of people rich in law enforcement because he was doing his best to internationalize it secretly; he has a big following because of that, he is god money to cops and mormons. Being the cheap piece of shit he is means he is just trying to get the taxpayers to foot the bill for a police state and all his corporate law enforcement too. Search "Bush Paraguay Ranch" and the USAFB which was built nearby it. Homeland Security is nothing so much as "Protection" for the Cocaine Cartel.
Also at the core of Libertarian thought, in the very front of it actually, is social security. Its going to take a LOT of resources to bring America back to being a free land, with free ways of thinking -- to wrest people from the police state instituted by the world governments media, to re-train and re-enlighten Americans as to what American really means. You are not your brothers keeper. Lords and kings are bad for our way of life. Reading is good, and on and on. In spite of tv programming, most people are not doing bad things, and real violence is not hard to see if you are not dumb as shit. It is most times alcohol related. Arm yourself bunkie, it is the gift that makes you a free man, and keeps you that way.
This is not a place to be "Harvested" by little tin mafiaso and secret agent hix in need of making a bust. This is AMERICA, and Americans are NOT to be policed. Its time to find something else to watch on tv, and its time to find something else for the police types to do. This has all been covered in this blog before. Social security, which means a whole lot more than just chex in the mail, is top priority because the place is a wreck, we have been attacked over and over again and our land is in ruins, what you see around you is nothing more than the justice of faulty information, fake news. Compare police and military expenditures against public welfare expenditures, the figures are overwhelming.
The true plight of America is that we are hoodwinked. The awful and untrue illusions of television have become the number one information source for many people, and we have been trained away from the real brutality of those who want to rule us. History means nothing to most Americans, as they continually repeat mistakes that have been made many times before, like some pathetic piece of misfiring mechanism. Yes, broken is what we are, do not doubt that. It is not called Programming for nothing.
Just the number of people failing to look up and see the new aerosol technologies deployed since 911 leads me to believe this attack is from MANY sectors at once, sparing no expense, and is being done very very slowly, encompassing many facets, including AMA medicine and media programming, who are of course in strict public denial about any of this.
In the beginning I didn't like Donald Trump. It was more than disaffection due to social class, it was pretty much total rebellion against what I considered monumental complacence by the political coke dealers, and true acts of treason by organized white collar crime in the American government. I could only see more of the same old same old being stridently presented by someone who once made a living in the awful illusions of TV media, and still collects 100 grand a year retirement from the actors union.
But then things changed.
Because I am very observant (In my own way) I saw The Presidents hand in events that weren't just fundamental changes, but also changes which directly affected me in a positive way, events like the Farm Bill which lifted the long standing ban on Hemp, and the restructuring of some laws concerning our waterways. The US Space Force and US Space Mining have been instituted which you better remember first and foremost when it comes to our social security. Imagine 100 years of high paying jobs for all Americans, its not hard to do that if you try. That is only a beginning.
I said hey, this guy is not really a politician! Most importantly, it makes me know some people have been paying attention. I am Glad.
Also, the interests of many sinister forces within America itself have been attacked during Trumps time already, crime families who can never reveal how they really got all that money, because thats all top secret stuff (Not to mention bestial) or how their family records are either all destroyed or totally falsified. A big Libertarian ideal is DISCLOSURE, we want to know what we paid for in the last 100 years, and its because of the crime families and their systematic removal of records in the archives that this needs to be addressed immediately. Freedom of information doesn't get it, its a bad joke.
Mr. Trumps perfect irreverence concerning his favorite bible verse also made me realize he was not mind controlled by the lord, and I came away from that with appreciative laughter. I then heard the queen really disliked The Donald and that cinched it, I said Trump is for me. I am not a total fan by any means, and I don't have any money to give, but I have sincerely changed my way of thinking concerning Donald Trump. He is more Libertarian in a realistic way than anyone I have seen yet, and my vote will reflect that.
To Hell With Chaos.
Shoot the curl D.
bush crime family,
donald trump,
libertarian values,
new economy,
trump 2020
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