Tuesday, June 30, 2020


By Bill Gallagher
1000 Words

     There.  I said it OK?  Black lives DO matter, because ALL Lives Matter, not just because they are black lives, thats racist shit taught to you by the conqueror, fuck all that.  I agree the Blax have had a really tough row to hoe, but they have pretty much dealt with it.  They have come farther faster than ANY other race except the Native Americans, from being conquered don't you know, so there was no choice in the matter, just as there was no choice in the matter when the Romans were having their way with the Celtic world, way back BC, but really not that far back, not far at all.
     I remember a past life where I told a Roman Legionnaire that Celtic lives matter and the bastard has his troops crucify me.  Ouch that hurt.  So you see, things get better, people slowly do become more civilized, but I think its very bad that the blax let media inflame them almost every time into tearing their own shit up.  Why don't you people tear up the fucking TV stations?  What?  Because they have big 14 foot fences with razor wire in coils at the top around all that shit now?  Really. I wonder why.
     The best thing is to not get violent at all, because the military police state owns all that, and from here it looks like they are once again maneuvering you into a dead end cul-de-sac where there is no escape, so they can stomp you the way they do so well.  The crack phenomenon took over 40% of the breeding black males because the coke was brought into the projects in wheelbarrows, along with zillions o'guns, along with mucho media to dramatize a ganster life style.  The projects all got blocked off with concrete barriers so people had to walk in and out, before long the projects were being boarded up.  The police called it a self-cleaning oven. 
     The biggest prison is the one they have built inside your mind.
     Be smarter, turn off that TV, try to avoid those people whenever possible at all costs.  When enough people do this you will be surprised, no, you will be fucking AMAZED at the changes which take place almost overnight.  The past entries of this blog are just stuff that seeped out, there is a lot more being held because like everyone else I need to eat and I would also like to make enough money to have some fun, in spite of the lord and the governor always telling me I should suffer here so I can  get my reward in heaven.  Haha.  Bullshit.  I want rewards here, and I want BETTER rewards in heaven, and I am sure thats the way it will be.  Serious.
     I myself am a nigger, at least I came to see myself that way in one vector because all my black friends in Fort Lauderdale and Miami always referred to me as 'Gallagher my nigger".  Yes, I'm a rock 'n roll nigger, and a good one, ask anybody.  I am even changing my skin color to black slowly, its a Blacker Black, with tattoos.  Tattooed Lives Matter, too, because all lives matter.  Very simple equation.
     Here are some excerpts from Anna Maria Riezingers book "You Know Something Is Wrong When...An American Affidavit Of Probable Cause" that black people should study if they really want freedom from the illegal yoke we all live under:

    "From the very beginning of the American story there were three kinds of "United States"--(1) the land jurisdiction of the Several States; (2) the sea jurisdiction operated by the United States of America; (3) the business organization doing business as the "United States" charged with supplying the nineteen governmental services the federal government is supposed to supply the States.  It should not surprise us then that there have always been three kinds of "citizenship" potentially involved. 
    The land jurisdiction allows only one kind of citizenship: State Citizenship.
        The sea jurisdiction known as "federal jurisdiction" allows dual citizenship: "A person may be a citizen of the United States (U.S.Citizen) and of a State, and as such have different rights". (Cited)  From the federal viewpoint most people have always been considered dual citizens -- subject to the land while on the land, subject to  the sea when on the sea.
    In 1868 a third kind of Corporate Citizenship came into play with the publication of the new Corporate Constitution of the United States of America, Incorporated, -- the business entity charged with providing governmental services under contract with the States.  The given reason for this new form of citizenship, Negro Citizenship,  was the need to give recently freed Negroes a form of citizenship without trying to force the Several States to enact law giving them full rights as State Citizens.  It was also a ploy by the new federal corporation to lay claim to the labor and property assets of the "freed" salves for use as collateral backing the federal corporations debts.
    Black Americans were never really freed after the Civil War.  They were given a new specially created citizenship "US Citizenship" and Civil rights granted by the congress, not the Natural and Unalienable Rights guaranteed to American State Citizens (By the original Constitution).  The United States, Inc. laid claim to them and their estates as unclaimed chattel and hypothecated "Us Government" debt against their labor and possessions in the international jurisdiction of the sea.  Heres what the corporate "Constitution" actually says:  Section 1.  Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude EXCEPT AS PUNISHMENT FOR CRIME WHEREOF THE PARTY SHALL HAVE BEEN DULY CONVICTED,  shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.  Section 2.  Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
    All they did was redefine criminals as slaves.  They did nothing to abolish slavery itself.  In fact they enshrined slavery as a permanent part of their national law and gave themselves the right to arbitrarily redefine both crimes and criminals such that a child picking dandelions could be arrested as a criminal and enslaved for life.  Its time for the "United States Congress" to be brought home and overhauled, for members to be deputized as true fiduciary officers, and for Senators to be held accountable to the States on the Land again.
     When African Americans demanded equal Civil Rights, didn't anyone wonder EQUAL TO WHAT?
        Please note: United States (Commercial Company) does not equal The United States of America, Inc., does not equal the UNITED STATES (INC.), does not equal USA (INC), does not equal US CORP, does not equal THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC., does not equal E PLURIBUS UNAM THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INCORPORATED, and so on.  All these similarly named corporate entities have been used to deceive and defraud the American States since their inception(s)...


     I really hope my fellow Americans the Black People, my brothers and sisters who helped me when no one else would, will rise above the trap that has been set for them this time, and find a more reliable way out of the mire.  Your librarians love you, fyi.  The overseers begin construction of the prison in your mind at a very young age, and everyone is already slotted in a chute before they even start school, usually.  The best you can do for yourselves is to consciously ignore all the media hype and lies, and to find strength in what you know best, whatever that may be.  The more time the overseers/officers can steal from you the less proficient you will be in what ever it is you do best, and that is a major theft indeed.
     Stop letting them do that, right now.


Anna Maria Riezinger,"You Know Something Is Wrong When...An American Affidavit Of Probable Cause
playboy: self cleaning oven
Joycelyn Elders. Schaal, Arkansas, U.S. Minnie Joycelyn Elders (born Minnie Lee Jones; August 13, 1933) is an American pediatrician and public health administrator who served as Surgeon General of the United States from 1993 to 1994.
Born: August 13, 1933, Schaal, Arkansas
Nationality: United States
 surgeon general fired for publicly making connections between drug war and genocide
devilvision the worlds new wireless grid gallagher

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