Sunday, February 17, 2019

Drugs Aren't Cool

   Drugs are not cool.  People who think drugs are cool are making money on illegal drugs and these type promote drugs as being cool by making them as FORBIDDEN as possible.  By making drugs forbidden the profiteers artificially inflate the value of street drugs which are not regulated and many times dangerous.   Many of Americas subcultures have been ATTACKED in this manner, with dirty illegal drugs that are even intentionally poisoned.   That is the epitome of Uncool. 

     Also, Forbidden drugs are much more enticing to the young audience because they trigger the spirit of rebellion.  This kind of thinking has taken America from a relatively free place, to a police state.  It is just some very obnoxious and devious people trying to push a foolish religion on the rest of us while leading information in any direction except towards truth.

     What drugs ARE is this:  Drugs Are ENHANCEMENT.  Even the deadly drugs given by doctors and other pharmaceutical representatives, the ones that kill or are used with overt mind control techniques i.e. psychiatry, were all meant as enhancements to begin with.   The popular  attitude of anti-drugs propagated  purposefully among the ignorant is ridiculous (Jesus is coming, hide your bong) and is a lot of times spouted by people who drink a lot, as if they are protecting the one drug they love, alcohol.  Their seeming inability to classify alcohol as a major drug, and a very deadly one at that, reflects well the mindset of those vested in the booze industry and its attendent police state.

     I am all for drugs as enhancements, even in sports, but thats because I do my best not to delude myself about what I am and where I am.  My perceptive requirements are centered on truth versus a ridiculous matrix woven around pennies and disdain.  Here in eternity, surfing the void, I want every advantage I can get, and I am always looking for more.  People who do not do this, in my opinion, are just dumb, and that is the same species of dumb which permeates the thinking that government and its teachers can learn your kids the difference between right and wrong.  The clowns of government do nothing but continually build a police state, and they use the road monies to do it.  They cannot even maintain the roads and bridges for all their stealing and drug dealing, but many pinheads think they and their police can teach the kids right from wrong.  What a bunch of hoo-hah.


     The use of drugs is not to be considered lightly, and not for frivolous reasons. Enhancement is the name of the game for me, and I am much better at knowing what is good for me than anyone else.  Doctors are great sources of good advice, most times, and they are, after all, the sole dispensers of the million or so types of pills available for everything, but their case load is usually as large as they can make it, and they are spread pretty thin.  The responsibility for my health cannot rest with anyone but me; any other way of considering it is lackadaisical in the extreme.

     Wake up.  Drugs Aren't Cool, and were never supposed to be. Drugs are enhancements, and when employed thus they can enrich life on all levels.   Be truthful with yourselves, starting now.  There are many many many drugs, even sugars are mood or behavior altering in their properties.

     End the police state in America.

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